Facebook 101 for small businesses

Facebook is without question one of the most influential social media platforms for connecting with contemporary consumers. Facebook is the ideal optimization tool for local businesses due to its customization, adaptability, and targeting capabilities. Learn how to grow your business with Facebook and impress online customers in the following section.

Methods for Expanding Your Business Using Facebook

Facebook can be there to support your efforts at every stage of the customer journey, from the moment a customer discovers you to the moment they convert and beyond.

Create specific ads

Targeted Facebook ads are another Facebook marketing strategy you should consider implementing. Facebook Ad Manager makes it incredibly simple to create an advertising campaign that targets the ideal audience for your business.

Improve your online reputation

Rather than relying on your marketing and advertising or referrals from friends and family, customers today rely on online reviews. Facebook has made reviews an integral part of its local business profiles. If you want your business to stand out from the competition, you should actively solicit Facebook reviews and feedback from your customers.

Improve posting times

To ensure that consumers engage with your Facebook posts, you must determine the optimal posting times for your target audience. Hootsuite suggests that the optimal time to post on Facebook is between 12 and 3 p.m. Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday from 12 to 1 p.m. Saturday and Sunday from 12 to 1 p.m.

Utilize Facebook Messenger

Making it possible for customers to communicate with your company via Facebook Messenger is a simple and convenient way to build customer relationships. Facebook Messenger is also a distinct channel for addressing customer concerns, resolving issues, and answering simple questions.

Keep your business profile updated

Completely filling out your profile is one of the simplest things your business can do to improve its Facebook presence, yet many businesses fail to do so. Once you have entered the basic information about your business, you should update the Page Info in your page's settings. This will allow you to add details about your company's founding date, address, and contact information, as well as a more detailed description of your business and its mission.

Paid vs. Organic Marketing on Facebook

Now that you've set up Facebook, you may be wondering whether you should invest primarily in paid targeted ads or organic posting. There are advantages and disadvantages to both paid and organic (unpaid) social media marketing, making the decision difficult.

Benefits of Organic Marketing

But organic marketing requires your customers to follow you so it's a hassle for them sometimes and also you can’t target people in organic marketing.

Benefits of Paid Marketing

But paid marketing if not done right can lead to money loss & poor performance and make it difficult for customers to relate.

The importance of organic visibility in establishing your online presence and brand cannot be overstated. Paid exposure is essential for increasing lead generation and reaching your target customer segments. Take the time to discuss with your team which of these goals are most vital to your growth in the near future, while keeping in mind your long-term goals.

Having the proper social media marketing strategy in place can make or break your paid and organic marketing campaigns. But almost as important as your social media strategy is the organisation platform you employ. The appropriate tools will enable you to monitor trends, maintain a consistent schedule, include Facebook in your review invitations, and respond to reviews directly from your centralised inbox. SalesCaptain can help you consolidate all of your messaging channels onto a single platform to increase productivity and enhance every interaction, making social media management simple for any size team. Schedule a demonstration to see our team in action.

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